Monday, April 22, 2013


   referee. what is the first thing that comes to mind when you hear that subject? probably a football ref. who knew my mom could be a ref?

   well, she is and when it comes to us kids, shes the hardest ref of all time. all she needs is a whistle and ... a... uniform.

   hee hee.

   so my mother is a ref, to recap. she tells us what to do and stops fighting. she says enough is enough. (a common expression used by parents). on and on it goes, using her i-am-in-charge-not-you voice. sometimes we listen and sometimes she is talking to four tree stumps.
   i feel bad for her when it is us with her at the end of school. juggling homework, snacks, play time, dinner, fights, etc. etc.

   my gosh. how does she handle us?



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